I am sitting at my desk in Leeds, my parents are back in Maryland, and I'm a little bummed to report that my honda is somewhere out in California.
If you remember my Honda post from about 4 weeks ago, you'll recall that my parents took my car for it's supposed last drive this past month on their cross country trip. We all assumed it'd be dead by Texas...guess that old clunker had a mind of its own. When I heard it was still intact by the time they hit the mid-west, I set my hopes on it being in the driveway upon my return to the States. Thus, I was a bit shocked when during a phone conversation with my Dad last week he mentioned them giving it to a charity in CA. Somehow we'd miscommunicated before I'd left home- my parents had no intention of driving back East once they'd hit CA. Funny, cuz we'd probably have 4 or 5 conversations about it; guess that week was a little hectic, and I missed that detail? Either way, the car is gone. Forever. ("FoooreVER"- The Sandlot haha)
Anyways, I feel the need to blog about it. The "Mar car" as we'd named it, due to it's license plate letters, M-A-R, was my first car, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a connection to the
old piece of crap.
Memorable Moments in the Mar Car:
1. Learning to drive the stick. Stalling in the intersection before Chaneyville. The tears. The honking. Dad calmly instructing from the passengers seat.
2. Driving to Chesapeake beach in a swimsuit, belting 'So Much Better' with Adrienne.
3. Taking it for spins around route 4 at 3am when sleep wouldn't come.
4. Parallel parking at Towson between two cars. In a stick. On a hill. In the rain. (GO ME.)
5. Changing the heat/air setting with plyers at stop lights after the knob broke off.
6. Getting completely lost in College Park with Leslie.
7. Watching Phoebe slide around the back seat everytime I shifted gears; cleaning Phoebe nose prints on the back left window.
8. Dying inside everytime I filled it with gas, Summer of '08.
9. Hitting a pole and no one noticing. Oh, the advantages to having a crap paint job :)
10. Any drive that involved opening of the sun roof and a good jam. Best feeling ever.
I've included two pictures. The first is of Mar in it's glory days. This is my 19th birthday when it was passed down to me (it's forth owner!). The second I swiped from Dad's blog; the honda being pulled away (with my totally rad bumper stickers) on some street in California.
I sure will miss it.
Here's to hoping the next is an automatic with windows that roll back up every time ;)