Thursday, May 13, 2010

1000 Awesome Things

A friend of mine, Emma, had her mother change her facebook password, so as not to be distracted from her essays. Honestly, the amount of disipline some people possess amazes me.

A few days ago, she happened to stumble across this blog, "1000 Awesome Things" that has us both addicted. (So much for avoiding distraction ay.) It's a list of 1000 little things that make life awesome, such as, "watching something download really fast," "getting the booth side of the restaurant table," "the moment at a concert when the crowd figures out what song they're playing," and "riding home with a box of pizza on your lap." LOVE IT.

I happen to pride myself on the fact that I always appreciate the little things in life, but this website has me feeling like such a slacker. It must have made Emma feel the same way. Last night, walking around the city, Emma literally stopped, leaned over, and smelled a bush. Sylvia asked her what she was doing, to which Emma replied "Stopping to smell the roses." Fair enough, Em. (I'm pretty sure that bush didn't have any roses, but for the sake of this anecdote, I'll pretend that it did.)

Either way, the website has inspired me to make my own list of the Awesome Things in my life.

Going to call someone, picking up your phone, and seeing that they are already calling you (so trippy when that happens!)
Responding to 'Adrienne', even though it's Abby.
Double checking to see if I've spelled a word right, and seeing that I have.
Realizing on a Saturday that I haven't checked Postsecret yet.
When the total is $6.10, and I have a dime.
Wrapping up in a sheet, right out of the dryer.
When I pull into the driveway just as the song ends.
Wearing my boyfriend's Tshirt.
Replaying clips from Americas Funniest Home Videos in my head, and giggling in class.
Having an "accent".
Going into the city with my morning hair.
When the sales clerk tells me that the soda is actually buy one, get one free, and then lets me run back real fast to grab another.
The sound a coke can makes when you open it.
When the bus and I arrive simultaneously at the stop.
Shamelessly listening to crappy pop music at full volume in Ruby's van.
The warm feeling I get inside when I hear The Office's theme song.
When I'm not sure if I've pulled the van far enough into the garage, and watching as the garage door slowly closes behind me, without stopping to go back up :)
When Mom mom and Pop pop whisper back and forth in church, but it's really loud haha
When Phoebe gets her head stuck in the trashcan lid. Talk about caught red handed.
Not petaling as I go down a hill on my bike.
When you stick your foot in the pool water, expecting it to be really cold, when it's actually just the right temperature.

Check out Neil Pasricha's at :)


  1. i literally laughed out loud (and am still laughing) at the one about ms. betty and mr. hap. hahaha.

  2. Hahaha, it's so funny ay. Even better is whenever Pastor asks a certain group of people to stand (sunday school teachers, mothers on Mothers Day etc), Pop pop always stands too- gets me every time hahaha :D

  3. This is so great!! haha! When did Phoebe get her head stuck in the trash can? HAHA!
