Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring time in England

The sky is officially light until around 8pm now, and I couldn't be more thrilled about it.
I always get excited when the seasons change, but never quite like I do when Winter turns to Spring. For me, the joys of Winter end abruptly on December 26th, so I'm welcoming Spring with open arms (and bare toes).

Writing those papers wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I do the same thing at the end of every term, and completely freak out for a good 3 days, before I remember that stress is just not for me. It just isn't worth it. You know, I accomplish more unwound anyways. And honestly, in the end, I'll always choose a relaxed B over a stressed out A.

One of my papers was on Bloody Sunday, which happened in Northern Ireland about 38 years ago. I am embarrassed at how little I knew about it before I came to the UK (it is amazing how much British students know about my history, and how little I know about theirs), but after this paper, I feel so connected to it. If you don't know what went down, it's worth googleing. The cool thing about it though, is that there is a inquiry going on right now involving it, and the verdict is announced on May 6th of this year. I can't wait to hear the results. It was awesome to be writitng an paper on something so current.

Speaking of writing, I do have some exciting news to share! My Fiction Writing professor from last Fall does an internship every term, and picks one student to work along side him. It's an envied position; he has tons of writing connections around Baltimore, not to mention is just brilliant to begin with. That said, I was beside myself in excitement when I got an email from him this week asking me to be his intern! I admire him so much as a writer, and can't wait to learn what he has to teach me. It's made a big impact on my future goals; I'm hoping that this interniship will open up some doors for a potential career in writing.

If nothing else, these last few months have proven to me that there may be bigger plans in store for me than the ones I'd set out for myself. Coming out of high school, I was admittedgly less than motivated about my future, Vinny can vouch for that one :) The fact that I am even here right now in Leeds still shocks me in some ways. I've got heaps to learn, in the way of writing, but mainly just in life, but I'm pumped. Lame, but remember that whole kick Oprah was on? About "being the best version of yourself," or something? Yeah. I'm just all about that these days. Thanks, Oprah.

Went down to London this weekend and had a blast. I'm pretty spoiled at this point. Coming home to so few weekend options is going to be an adjustment, that's for sure. 6 more weeks here, and counting. I'm not ready to go home. I wish I had another semester abroad. Woe is me. I only get five months in Europe. Truly, sometimes I could use a good slap across the face :) I am loving every minute here, even the ones spent hunched over a Microsoft document, and refuse to take any of it for granted.

More later!


  1. Abby, your life is so enviable! AHH! :)

  2. Drea! I miss your blog! I'm sure updating your blog is at the tip top of your priority list these days haha :p
