Thursday, February 11, 2010

If it weren't such a pain to read, this title would be in CAPS LOCK!

Had a class today that left me nothing short of infuriated. The class is in a seminar room where there are easily 200 chairs. There are about 30 students. Poor planning on the Universities part, but whatever. So kids are obviously dispersed around the room; I sit up front and to the right, always have. I think it has to do with elementary school when they'd seat us alphabetically- Ackermanns are always in the front right corners- and some things just stick. Either way, I've got crap for vision, so it all works out.

As my professor, one of those nervous, stuttering types, is going on about quantitative and qualitative data, which in all fairness is incredibly boring, there is this row of kids in the back snickering, talking and literally throwing things at one another. Okay. I've debated whether or not to blog on this, seeing as how it's quite negative, but oh well. I need a vent.


This is freakin college. It's not high school, no one's forcing you to be here. If you can't act like an adult and sit still for an hour, leave. I was honestly amazed by one, how ridiculously rude they were being, and two, how anyone can seriously take their education THAT lightly. I am no over achiever. It'd be a stretch to even call me studious, but even I realize when something is to be valued. It disgusted me so much to see them care so so little. I had these flash backs to middle school. I felt like I was in class with 13 year olds.

And to watch my professor deal with it was the worst. He looked so degraded, I felt bad for him. At the same time, I couldn't understand why he was putting up with it. It makes me crazy when someone so obviously needs to just put their foot down, and won't. I left feeling so angry, I half stomped the whole way home and blasted my Paramore. (Yeah, Paramore's about as hard core as I get.) I came home, and let it out on the elliptical at my gym. Oh yeah! I'm going to the gym now! More on that later, cuz I'm still SO MAD. Why can't people have a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T and find out what it means to me??

(big overdramatic sigh) Moving on.

Being placed in the front right corners of classrooms isn't the only thing being an Ackermann entails. I'm pretty sure the definition of 'ackermann' is 'fast metabolism.' Seriously, if you look at my Dads side, everyone looks the same- tall, lean...and with glassess. True to my genes, I eat whatever I want, excersize as little as I want, and see no real consequence. However, what may seem like a blessing, really isn't. Leeds is hilly, have I mentioned that? I find myself huffing and puffing over the teeniest hill. It's sad. SO. I have decided to take better care of myself from here on out. There is a gym in my building, and I've decided to get the most out of my rent money. BAM. Look out world, somebody just got motivated.

I've already been twice this week (woo hoo!) and I gotta say, it feels really good. Once I get going, I don't wanna stop! I go with my friends Emma and Danielle, and we are a good team. They make fun of me a little cuz one, I didn't bring sneakers over here. If you can believe this, I don't actually own sneakers. I'm pretty sure I have a pair somewhere that I used to wear when I worked at Coldstone in high school.....and two, I can't help but almost dance on my elliptical. I've got this "musicians OCD", as I call it, and I can't not run to the beat. If it's slow, I'll up the "effort level" and vise versa if it's fast, just to keep myself on beat. If it's Party In The USA, I'll nod my head and move my hips like yeah. Just can't help it :D


  1. big ups on the gym thing! i was totally wiped after like five minutes of shoveling this week... shame.

    p.s. - i decided to play some paramore while reading this post. yep. totally works. (

  2. Next time you shovel listen to Gasolina or Crazy in Love. Best workout (and possibly shoveling?) jams EVER.

    ps- I love that you comment on my blogs! Sometimes I want to write Dear Janahia,... hahaha

  3. first off, you and my little sister could have a great conversation bout this, haha, she had a very similar experience at her old high school and it drove her nuts, she even yelled at her class one time, and that was just high school! I'll rembember to tell her not to go on exhange to the UK ;)
    second, yea working out's great! I personally feel real crappy when i haven't worked out in awhile and great after i do, gotta release those endorphins...
    (o and just for the record, some colleges do make you go to class :( but i guess only the ones that don't let you leave the campus too sometimes, haha)

  4. Devin- I was this close to turning around and yelling DO YOU MIND??? hahaha

    No promises it won't happen next week ;)

  5. haha i guess i couldn't blame you, especially since you're paying for that!

  6. You have a gym in your building!!?? That's so lucky!!

    Ps- I'm totally always noddin' my head like yeah at the gym too!
