Monday, February 22, 2010

Leeds is covered in snow at the moment, and looking beautiful.

It was a quiet weekend here; got lots of reading done and worked on fighting off a little cold. It's hard being sick without my mom, I gotta say. Funny how independent and adult-like I feel one moment, when the next I'm upset cuz my mom's not here to make me noodle soup. Oh, life :)

Had a conversation with a German girl the other day that made me smile:

Me: I'm from around Washington DC.
Sylvia: Wow, have you met Obama? (I've been asked this a dozen times)
Me: Nah.
Sylvia: ...Have you ever seen anyone famous?
Me: Not really. My sister saw Queen Latifah in a Starbucks though! Have you heard of Queen Latifah?
Sylvia: Umm....I think so. She runs...which country does she run again?
Me: The country right next to Lady Gaga's.

Just kidding. I didn't say that. But I thought the exchange was pretty funny.

Had somewhat of a reality check this past week with my finances. As it turns out, living in England isn't cheap. Who knew? I've realized that I may not be able to see all the countries I'd hoped to see here (to be fair, there was quite the laundry list). It's been hard watching my friends plan trips all over the place, but if I notice myself getting down about it, I remind myself of how amazing it is that I'm here at all. I've been planning smaller trips around England itself that are within my means, and still incredibly exciting. Spring Break is a little up in the air at the moment. My parents offered to fly me home on them, which means lost time in Europe (not that I'd mind being at home for a week or so; I do miss it), or I can stay here, and come back owing them a chunk more than I'd planned. Both options have pros and cons. We'll see how that plays out. Coming home would also mean meeting my baby niece, which would be great. I don't think I've officially menioned Drew and Drea's first born, due on March 12th. Ah, that's coming up so soon! I couldn't be more excited for them; they are going to make excellent parents.

Classes have been going well. Even my marketing class wasn't all bad; the kids were really well behaved this week. I'm sure it's because they all read my rant blog the other day ;)

Shockingly interesting is my Human Resources class- could even see a possible career pathway in it one day. I'm not sure if this interest is legit, or if my subconcious is aware of the college time I have left, and is just clinging to any hint of a direction, career wise. Guess the next two or three years will tell, ay? I find not knowing exhilarating. I find being young exhilarating. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being 21 for another 5 years or so.