Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rain on my Poetry Parade :(

Had my first class of the semester today- Writing in a Time of Violence. I can't tell you how much I enjoy my writing classes; it's not even really school. At Towson, everyone in my writing class ends up being one big family. In order to be a good writer some vulnerability is required, so you have to get brave and share- hence closeness in the classroom. LOVE IT. Another thing I love about my writing classes, is that everyone in them is excited. It's not like Bio majors who just whine to each other (hope I didn't offend there...); we actually like what we're doing.

I expected somewhat of the same here in Leeds. Mmmm not so much.

In class, we read a poem I'd never heard of before, and while it was 8 pages long (yikes- who does ths poet think he is, Dylan?), I was excited to discuss it. My classmates, however, were not so enthusiastic. Most comments consisted of "this is stupid", "what's the point" and so on. Really, guys? This is poetry, not math.

It bummed me out. Seemed to bum my professor out too, poor fella.

ps- Bought five dohnuts yesterday for forty pence. Already ate four :/ THEY ARE SO GOOD.
pps- Met another Abby today, which makes 3 in the past month. What's the deal?
ppps- I have realized that, at least for my life, needing God more than ever= loving God more than ever. I dig it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your ppps comment about needing and loving God more than ever. The times I have been the closest to God were mostly times I was out of my comfort zone in some way. Cool how God uses that. We should talk about it more sometime. *By the way this is Allison
