Sunday, January 31, 2010

You Alright

Today marks the forth day in a row we've had beautiful sunshine. What are the odds? Spoke with a Brit this morning who told me that before this week she can't remember the last time she saw the sun. I feel lucky!

Went to church this morning in Bradford, which is a town a little ways out. I met a boy in my building who goes, and knew of a free bus. Met some really cool people. Compared to America, there are very few Christians here- I was really happy to meet some. The whole God thing is pretty dead here actually. I learned this morning that because of the large Muslim base in Leeds, people are afraid to offend, so Christ isn't mentioned often. Have kinda been taking that as a personal challenge. Knowing that I could be one, the only American or two, the only Christian some people I met here ever get close with, I feel like somewhat of an ambassador :)

I walked back to Sugarwell (where I'm living) with Sam, a boy originally from Tonga, which is in the South Pacific. He has the most amazing story, as so many people here do. Honestly, over the past two weeks I have met some of the most interesting people in my life. It was great meeting him, because he's a local and gave me lots of tips for living here. Plus he cooks, and offered to show me a few things. Score. I love when someone comes into your life at just the time you need them.

Since I've been here, the Brits are always asking me if I'm alright. I didn't understand why, first of all. But honestly, after awhile I started to wonder why they were asking in the first place. Do I look sad? Sick? Anyway, Sam asked me this morning, and I was like "Yes, I'm fine- do I seem not alright?" He looked really confused. We figured it out though, and apparently "You alright?" means hello here. Like if you pass someone you'd say "You alright?" and they'd say "You alright?" back. Seems totally weird to me. I have been answering "Yes" and have been getting funny looks. I suppose if I said "Hello" to someone and they replied "Yes", I'd look at them funny too. I did not expect this much of a culture gag in the language, that's for sure :)

Ps- on our way home, some guy leaned out his window and vommited onto the street, a little on Sams coat and a little in my hair. Bleck!! Look before you ralph, dude!

Pps- went to Manchester yesterday and saw cool stuff. Check out the facebook for photos :)


  1. all-around sweet post.

    p.s. - i would've thrown up myself, if that happened to me!

  2. in the words of The Newsboys, "Shine, make 'em wonder what you've got..." :)

    P.S. Brits have really weird idioms, haha

    PPS, as you can see, i finally just created my own profile so i wouldn't have to use jack's anymore, just FYI...

  3. love that newboys song! def made a music video to it when i was like 8 wih my cousins. I remember it involved shining flashlights in each others faces... haha

  4. Abby!! This is so funny! You alright? Paha!

    I can't believe someone vomited in your hair! You're having a crazy experience.

  5. haha that's awesome! i remember my favorite part when i was a little kid (and now :) was "try as you may, there isn't a way to explain the kind of change that would make an eskimo renounce fur, that would make a vegitarian barbeque hamster"
    haha funny but good/true at the same time!

  6. HAHAHA what a great lyric! And so true at the same time. I'm no vegitarian, but I don't think I'd have the heart to barbeque hamster either... ;)
