Sunday, January 17, 2010

England, Here I Come!

About 8 months ago, I saw a Study Abroad flyer in the Student Union at Towson. In about 8 hours, I'll board a plane to Leeds, England. Yikes. Spending a semester in another country has been on my To Do list since my cousin Nicole studied in Spain when I was 10. I remember her coming back all grown up, with lots of stories to share, and some sweet Spanish boots. I want that for myself. Even the boots.

It was pretty trippy waking up today knowing I wouldn't be waking up in America for another 5 months. Gotta say, I'm pretty pumped. I've been mad nervous all week, to the point of nausea even, but today feels good. Hoping this feeling lasts. Plus, Dad told me he'd give me 10 bucks if I didn't cry at the gate. And with this exchange rate, I could use 10 bucks ;)


  1. That's right, I'm following you! ...just not in a stalker way...

    I'm so excited to read about your time over there, please keep this up! I just sent you a text and I don't know if you're on the plane or hyperventilating in the car on the way to the airport, but I love you and everything will be alright (remember: you are going to have the time of your life!)

    I'll keep you updated about spring break! :)

  2. So excited for you Abby! I cannot wait to hear/read about every part of this! Good luck today..i'll be praying for you lots :)

    And is there any way I can get in on the awesome boot action? ;)
    <3 Ruby
