Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An English Birthday

I have never been so miserable and so happy all in one day.
I also don't have time to be writing now; It's 1 am here and I need sleep. I'm just pumped. And so much has happened I feel I will forget it by tomorrow :) Here it goes.

I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and verbally informed myself that today was going to be a good day. (Don't judge) Then I looked out the window. Rainy. Then I took a shower. Cold as a mo fo. Then I plugged in my hair dryer. It BLEW UP. My fingers got this black crap all over them that took ages to get off. Good Lord, England. Why do you hate me?

Went to orientation (with cold wet hair, mind you) and met some cool kids. We got some lunch. Well, they got lunch. I have been sick to my stomach since my arrival. I had no idea how much my stomach responds to nerves. Then again, I have never been this nervous in my entire life. Ick. I called my parents who wished me a happy birthday and told me to look in a pocket of my luggage for a gift. It was my favorite pair of earrings, that happen to be my mothers. I love them. I read my facebook posts, and the comments on my blog, and missed home so much I could have died. I'd made plans with the international kids earlier to meet up for dinner, but was scared because I had to walk alone in the dark, and didn't know my way. I started inviting random people from the dorm, so I'd have someone to walk with. No one said yes.

A few minutes later I heard a knock at my door and it was this sweet Chinese dude, Tod. He told me I wasn't walking alone- that'd he take me. I wanted to give him a big hug. We met up with the others and everything turned around. It was a GREAT night. I feel so close with the study abroad kids already- they are such interesting, worth while people, not to mention a great time :D The whole time I kept thinking about how well my English friends and my American friends would get along. Seriously, you'd love them. Sara and Ruby, I can't wait for you to meet them when you come! I told them it was my 21st birthday and they bought me drinks the rest of the night. The night life here is insane. Plus, flashing my ID for a bouncer gave me the biggest thrill. I feel like I could go on and on and ON about tonight, but I won't bore you :) Over all, things are looking up. WAY up.

All is well that ends well, eh?



  1. I warned you about the outlets!!!!!!! I knew you'd love going out at night :) I hope you don't sleep for five months (because you're out partying the whole time, lol). seriously.
