Thursday, February 4, 2010

"It's Electric- boogy woogy woogy"

I think I may have electrocuted myself today. How's that for an opener?

This morning I unplugged my laptop, and got a shock. Ouch. Then later in the day, I plugged in my laptop and literally felt a current go through my right arm, and down one side of my body, where it kinda circulated for 15 minutes or so in my right foot. OUCH! What's that about? I want to google it, or maybe even ask Schneids what the deal is. I've been lotioning my hands everyime I use the outlet since. Scary times, people.

Had AMAZING pancakes made by a good Aussie friend of mine, Emma last night. High light of the day. Also sang in the shower (mostly Little Mermaid tunes) for the first time since my arrival. Hard to believe, but when living with new people, I can be a little timid about my vocal habits.

In other news, I am planning travels. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be (that seems to be a common theme over here), but I am learning (another common theme :). I am very nervous to travel alone, which I need to get over. When done right, traveling alone can be very safe. It's my personal goal to by the end of this, have planned and traveled a day trip all by myself. Sounds kinda lame, but for me, it's certainly something to work towards.

ps- Cooking more! Eating better! Three cheers for me! Hip hip, horray. Life is better with something other than souly carbs in my system :)


  1. Hi there! I went to HS with Drew and picked up your link from his page. I think you are an amazing writer and enjoy reading your blog. I hope you don't mind one more reader! Thanks for keeping the Faith in a time when people hardly do. I have a blog site too - your more than welcome to visit :)

    Take Care, Kristen

  2. Thanks Kristen- that's my all time favorite thing to hear! I want to write for real one day :) I will def check out your blog also!

  3. I think you are growing up so much on this trip. It's cool to become more and more independent. Did you try the meatball recipe I gave you? I've got more if you're interested! Miss you.

  4. *Oops, this is Allison, not Richard.

  5. writing "for real" is ones own perspective. if you ask me, you are writing for real :) PS I'm growing as a human - which is very evident in my blog, if i had to rate it it'd be 'R' - with that being said look past the rude 'potty' language I once used and hopefully you will find it amusing! ------1blogR2anotha

  6. I love this blog and also think you are growing so much on this trip.

    Weird to say it, but I'm proud of you...


  7. I am so jealous of the adventures you are taking on! I can't wait to hear about your solo travels!

  8. Yeah, talked to mom about my solo travels last night. She's not to thrilled about the idea...haha We'll see what happens with that. I can't wait to see you, and your little one, Drea!

  9. Hey Abby :)

    This is Caitlin Fowler, and I love reading your blog so much. I had thought about studying abroad, but then always became so scared that I just completely erased the thought from my mind; after reading your posts I have decided that I am definitely going to study abroad. It is too good of an opportunity to pass up. You seem like you're having so much fun/growing up a lot. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that your blog has inspired me to study abroad :)I'm thinking Italy next spring.

    p.s. I'm still a little shy to sing in the shower here. You're not the only one. :)

  10. Caitlin, your post makes me so happy! I actually told my friends about it over dinner. They all say you should study abroad FOR SURE :)It is scary, I won't lie, but it's the best kind of scary! I am learning so much, and you will too. I can't wait to read YOUR blog!! :)

  11. I'm glad it made you happy! haha. I am so excited for Italy, especially because there is a special program you can do if you're a music major where you take all music classes, and you get to have your own recital there! How awesome is that?! I'm also excited to grow up and mature over there. To be honest, I'm just ready for an adventure!
